08 April 2009

Porn Cannot be Ignored

Some thoughts about big issues. These issues cannot be ignored or set aside as unimportant. Really, we can consider it one single issue, though it can be separated into many parts. This single issue is huge. Bigger than anyone thinks. Few can fathom its reach. But surprisingly it is silent. It's like the cold night on which the American Revolution began so long ago. Nobody wanted to be the first to pull the trigger.

Similarly, no one wants to be the first to talk about porn. Luckily, though, people are starting to speak out, starting to make confessions on how porn ultimately ruined their life. A few are brave enough to step out and start the Revolution. 

It is true that a war is being waged. Mostly in private and only among adults, but still it is a war. And like all wars there are casualties. Those are the people who have been open enough to speak about their problem with porn, and how they see it as a problem for everyone. 

Also like any other war ever fought, it has found its way to the children. And not just the children of those who live in trailers and ghettos. Your children. My children. All children have incredibly easy access to porn. And that is a problem, without a doubt.

An enormous empire looms over a few cold, shivering minutemen - revolutionaries passionate about gaining freedom for all. This empire will never stop growing though; it will not stop growing and expanding, even when every man, woman and child in the world has seen its product.

This war will not be fought on foreign soil, like many of the wars fought within our lifetimes. This war will be fought in our land and in our homes - so similar to the clash that ultimately freed the American nation from the clutches of the British empire. However, this war does not yield mass deaths like other wars, unless you are going to count the number of lives completely wasted in pursuit of an unattainable satisfaction. If you were to count those, the number is extraordinary.

This war has long been overly easy for the vast, dark, neon framed empire that looms above everyone, waiting to be revealed before a new set of eyes. Long has this empire been granted free reign, as the silence of its opponents has been one of its greatest aids. Long has this empire remained morally unchecked and ethically unchallenged, at least in the eyes and minds of most.

It's time for us few insane, bold revolutionaries to upset the system that this empire has set up, tear down the towers of pseudo-authenticity it has constructed, and educate the people on the difference between what is real and what is fantasy. There will always be a choice, but there is no true freedom when engulfed in the empire of porn. There's no escaping it. But perhaps... there might be.

We revolutionaries want to help however we can. So we do. Let's dive into the reality of porn...

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